Are you tired of people telling you to think positive, be light and love even when you are going through some seriously dark emotions? Are you over the "focus on the positive things only" speech? Yeah, I was too, so I completely relate. I use to think that being spiritual meant being all about light, love and happiness until I became truly in tune with my spirituality.
Being spiritual doesn't mean being happy and positive all the time. With light comes darkness, and many may say that there isn’t light without darkness. Many people go through very dark times in their lives, which ultimately sparks true enlightenment. My spirituality came from having to face traumatic childhood memories, deeply punctuated wounds, and extreme loneliness.
The more I unlocked those dark feelings, the more I unlocked new feelings of peace, joy, and love. As we go through our spiritual journey, we must remember that we are still spiritual beings living the human experience. Humans have emotions, not just good ones and that's okay. Our emotions are warning signals to our bodies, alerting us that there is something going on with us internally and subconsciously.
How do you deal with your dark emotions with out getting stuck in the sunken place? How do you deal with your emotions in a healthy matter without dwelling in the negative? What has worked for me is that I give myself a certain amount of time to be in my feelings. I cry, scream, write, dance, or do anything that can help me release the build up emotions. After, I watch or read something inspiring and motivating to help me shake off any energy of procrastination and laziness.
I also like to call someone who I know can lift my spirit. Having people who are supportive and understanding is vital because these people can play as an anchor in your life. An anchor is something or someone who grounds you and reminds you why you are or should continue living in your life purposes. Going into nature is also a great way to raise your vibrations. So go out for a walk, go sit outside for a few or even take a trip to the beach.
Meditation and journaling are also great tools for discovering hidden and or suppressed emotions.
It's normal to feel sadness, grief, anger, jealousy, and all the other emotions that we as a society has labeled "negative". What is not okay is dwelling in that energy and letting it consume you and your life. Due to law of attraction, the more you stay in a frequency and enegy, the more you will attract this same energy. Sit with your emotions, see where they are stemming from, deal with the root causes. Feel so you can heal!
There is a such thing as toxic positivity and spiritual bypassing. The universe can feel your energy, so pretending to be at peace when you feel chaotic and tormented is not gonna work. You can try to fool yourself but not the universe. Stop pushing your feelings under the rug, because soon they'll all pile up and you'll end up tripping and hurting yourself. Remember, to be real with yourself and give yourself the appropriate time to cope with this thing we call life, because let's be honest, this shit gets real challenging.